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One Life Church-Weekly Newsletter
July 25, 2023
Hello OLC family!
Welcome to another weekly update. We pray that you will experience God throughout this week!


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Connecting Lives, Building Faith, Releasing Destiny


The more we learn about the human body, the more we find out that the way the Bible instructs us to live lines up with what has been proven that we need in order to thrive, both physically and spiritually! Proverbs 17:22 is an example of this.
A "joyful heart" tells us of an inner joy and contentment- someone who doesn't let the trials and troubles of life drown out the trust and peace that they have in Christ.
And just as a cheerful heart brings immense benefits to us in so many ways, a "broken spirit"- an inner life overcome with heaviness and burdens- will only serve to bring damage to our spiritual AND physical health.
God knows what's best, and thankfully He created us to be extremely resilient! With His help, it's never too late to change our hearts.  

A joyful heart is 2
"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones."
Proverbs 17:22 NASB



  • Thank you to those who helped out with or attended Edie's Celebration of Life on Saturday! You were a huge blessing to the Taylor family.
Guest Speaker next week (1)
  • We are having one more guest speaker this month: Al Purvis! Come hear what Al and his team have been doing in Asia through World Missions Continuum as he speaks at our Sunday service this week!
Church at Festival Square
  • On August 6th we will NOT be having a church service at OLC! Instead, join us at Festival Square (across from Galt Gardens & beside The Gate Church) at 11:00 am for church! We invite you to come out and worship with us in the middle of downtown Lethbridge, bringing the presence of God into that area of our City.
  • ​Contrary to what the slide said on Sunday, Saturday Men's Connect IS happening this week! Sorry for the confusion!
  • Remember, if you have a testimony to share, send us a 2-3 minute video of yourself telling it (, and we'd love to share it at one of our Sunday services! 
  • To see a full list of the events and Connect Groups going on, and to see what's ending for the Summer, check out our website here!
"In everything we do, our heart is for generations to know and experience God."