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Connecting Lives, Building Faith, Releasing Destiny

Spring is officially here OLC! It may be hard to tell with the snow on the ground and a bit of a chill in the air but as Albertan's, we know that seems to be the norm. Soon the grass will be turning green, the trees will be budding and winter will be a distant memory.

Church Events:

- For those signing up for the Sunday services we really appreciate you doing so, as it helps to make sure we stay within the guidelines of the 15% occupancy. A few things we do want to make note of though:
1. If you are signed up for the service we ask that you please arrive by 10:25 am.
2.If you have signed up and are unable to make it please let us know, so we can let someone else have your seat
3. After 10:25 am all seats will be open on a first-come-first-served basis.

If you wish to sign up for the service please email us at the office at and we will make sure we add your name to the list.

This Sunday, March 28th, we will be having Lonnie Sims in as a guest speaker. We always enjoy it when Lonnie comes to minister to us, so make sure you come out and join us as Lonnie always has a powerful message!
Engage Youth is on again for this week Sunday, March 21st at 6:30 pm, we invite all youth ages 12 and up to join us! We just started our new Identity series and want to encourage you to come out to find out what God says about who you are!
- Our Set Free! Retreat is on this week Friday and Saturday. We ask that you pray for Pastor Wayne as he leads this amazing course, our volunteers and all the work they are doing in the background and for all of those coming to the event that it would truly touch their lives! This is the first of many that we plan on having, so if you weren't able to attend this time make sure you watch for future dates.
Men! On Saturday, April 10 at 6:30 pm, we will be having a movie night at the church just for you! The movie has yet to be decided so stay tuned for more details.

Things to think on 

Just do it! That was our main takeaway from the message this last Sunday. Pastor Wayne told us that if we remembered only one thing from this message it was that if Jesus asks us to do something, do it! God's plan for our lives is always the best plan. It requires our active participation though. We need to be doing what He calls us to do, it may not always be easy, and it may be something we do not always want to do but when you listen and obey your life ends up fuller, and you draw that much closer to God because you di as He asked.